Tuesday, 4 October 2011

What Makes a good Photograph?

What makes a good photograph?

1. Composition- The starting point behind every stunning picture is a solid structure, keep the rule of thirds in mind while shooting.

2. Detail- This keeps the viewer involved at looking at the picture and catches their attention for a longer period of time, the detail should be kept away from the edges of the photograph as to draw the eye in, not out.

3.Colour- Depending on what mood you want the viewer to feel the colours should reflect this as well as work together.

4. Lighting- This ensures the photo is exposed properly and everything you want to be seen can be seen.

5.Focal Point-There should be visual hierarchy and that area should be in focus.

6. Depth- Depending how much of your picture you want in focus depth plays an important role in what you want to be seen.

7.Lines-Subconsciously lines will draw your viewers eye directly where you want it to go in a good photograph.

8.Perspective- Do something different and capture the subject matter from a different angle to make the photo more appealing.

Research from:
While browsing through pictures on the internet I came across these photographs that I believe to be good photography:

 images from:dis-play.tumblr.com

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