In this first advertisement a lamp post was wrapped in brown vinyl to make it look like coffee pouring into a cup on the side of the street to promote free coffee. This was done in 2009 in Vancouver. It was important for Mc Donald's to promote their free small coffees because their biggest coffee competitor, Tim Horton's has their annual Roll up the Rim during the same time period.
The second advertisement doubles as a billboard and a sundial. As well as having the time the billboard shows what kinds of food you could get during that particular time of day. Designed by Leo Burnett with the help of an engineer this billboard was put into place in Chicago in 2006 in the perfect location so that it would work properly.
In Sweeden for the arrival of the new Big and Juicy Burger this advertisement was put into place. It is oversized napkins. The napkin in the ad was made out of actual napkin material. As well to promote the new burger, newspaper sized serviettes were also placed into new papers.
These last two ads promote the 24 hour store. The first advertisement is located in Australia and uses the refection of the glass and the second uses a bun to look like the moon.
For more clever ads by Mc Donald's visit: