Monday, 19 September 2011

Five Designs That Will Save our Planet and Benifit Humans

1. LifeStraw.
The average human is able to survive up to sixty days without food but can only survive on average three to five days without water. Water is a basic need that many people take for granted in developed countries. On the other hand in developing countries clean drinking water is hard to come by."Approximately 43% of the global population, especially the lower-income populace in the remote and rural parts of the developing world, is deprived of household safe piped water." With this said almost half the world does not have access to clean drinking water. To solve this problem the company Vestergaard has come out with a device called a Lifestaw has been made, this small device, 25cm long allows the user to drink from virtually any source of water. The lLfestraw filters out bacteria and any waterborne diseases for up to 700L of water.

2. Houses made of storage crates
Storage crate houses can save our planet in more ways than one. First off they can be built offsite of the end location, this means that construction costs are reduced. Secondly since these crates are no longer being used, it gives them an alternate purpose. According to these houses are made of"80% recycled materials."

3. Sky Sails
A sky sail looks like a giant para sail for a cargo ship. The purpose of this sail is to harness the wind as a source of energy. The use of sky sails can "reduce a ship's annual fuel costs by 10% to 35%." Ten percent may not seem like a drastic amount but this could make a huge difference on our impact on the environment.

4. Post consumer Recycled Plastic
A designer from chile has come out with a line of products that are"100% post-consumer recycled plastic coming from toys, electronic devices, fast food trays, and everything in between." These products range from plastic bottles, to stools made of recycled garbage cans and stools made of used electronics. Although these products are made of recycled materials, most of them would have ended up in the trash due to the fact that they are too much of a hassle to recycle.

5. Solar Powered Eye Implants
Old ill powered eye implants are a worry of the past with the new solar powered model. No longer do candidates of eye implants have to worry about not having enough of a energy supply for the implant to work due to this implant's solar chip.

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